Help locating ball
Jim German from United States  [1 posts]
18 year
I'm trying to develop a system to locate a ball in the middle of a room.  The problem is that the camera I'm using has extremely poor color saturation, almost black and white.  Therefore  detecting the ball is quite difficult, whatever I do, I seem unable to pick it out.  I've tried using a circular blob filter, however the shadow that is cast by the ball seems to ruin this.  Anyone have any thoughts?

I was able to achieve the second image using a color filter.

Circle Detector
18 year

I apologize in advance at how much of a tease this message is going to be ... but here goes. What you're looking for is a generic circle detector. We have one ... but it is a couple days away from launch. The image you see shows your ball with its mean color overlayed with the number 17 (the pixel radius of the detected circle) shown. This new module detects circles based on their shape ... which in your case is much more reliable than detecting one based on colors. It is one of the first of many shape detection modules we have coming out soon.

We'll see if we can get it out in the next day or so.

Alternatively, if you're interested in other tools than RoboRealm what you're looking for is the Hough Circle transform. It works quite well but can be really slow and normally not applicable to video processing. Ours takes a different approach which is much quicker and allows for a much wider range of circle sizes.

Stay tunned!
Jim  [1 posts] 18 year
That sounds great, I'll look forward to it.

Thanks for an excellent program!
New Version
18 year

Thanks for your compliment.

We've just uploaded a new version that include the circle detector. Give it a try and see if it suits your needs.

You will have to download RR again. The new module is located under Shape->Circles.


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