SOR_Axon causes RoboRealm to crash
Andrew from Australia  [2 posts]
15 year
Has anyone had any luck using the SOR_Axon file in RoboRealm?

I'm running XP, service pack 2, and when I try to run the program as outlined in the description RoboRealm just crashes. I can't seem to work out why!?

Is it maybe not compatible with SP2?

Anonymous 15 year

We just verified that things are ok with the Axon.

When you save "run the program as outlined in the description" which one is that? Do you have a robofile that you could include in your post so that we can test specifically how you are using it?

Andrew from Australia  [2 posts] 15 year
Hi Steven,

Now that I try RoboRealm in exactly the same sequence as I did 1 week ago, the program does not crash. I do however get the following error.

"Could not initialize on port COM2 - Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART  Bridge speed 115200!"

I can't seem to get this program working no matter what I do.
I have tried a few things like changing COM ports and powering on the Axon at different stages, but no luck.

Has anyone ever seen that error before?

Anonymous 15 year

Are you able to connect to the Axon with any other application? We just checked that connection and it seems to be ok.

Alex from Canada  [1 posts] 15 year
I also had this issue, but it is rarely a problem anymore...

First I re-installed the software in a new folder. Afterwards, it worked fine.

I did have another instance like this shortly after, though I fixed it by just creating a new file.

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