rr not working w/ camera, can't see!!!!!!
roadrunner3g from United States  [1 posts]
15 year
I put RR on an old P3(win xp pro) w/ camera software. can't view image in RR or camera software. when I remote desktop I can see image with the camera software but  not RR. 2nd try P4- 2.4Ghz(win xp pro), get image with normal cam still no image in RR. 3rd try, tried latest RR ver. same result, Vcam didn't help in any of them. used same USB camera for all tests.

did work with 2-core 2.4Ghz (vista) didn't need VCAM, new issue- bt rs232 adapter DTE (bluetooth) almost works with p-basic/ bs2 chip. Rx/Tx on the p-basic program dosn't work. com port, baud rate OK.
Anonymous 15 year
If the camera software does not provide an  image it is very unlikely that RR will be able to fix that since it will require the correct driver to run correctly. So if an image does not appear with the software installed with the camera then RR will not improve on that.

On the P3 did the camera come up with the Options Button->Video Tab? Do you have DirectX installed on that machine? Did you get any errors from RR? Any popups?

Not sure the VCam option is worth testing since it is NOT required for normal operation. It is recommended to keep that disabled when debugging.

Anonymous 15 year
I installed directx and it worked!!!!!
now I am having trouble with the parallax boebot mod.
I put it in and the program shuts down!
I put in serial mod. then the boe mod. it seems to connect, but I try to play a sound and nothing.
do I need to not have any programs on the bs2 to make it work?
what do I need to do to make it work???
I want to use the camera as an extra sensor for my bot. it will have 3-6 ultrasonic sensors, 4-8 IRs, l/r wheel encoders, RC radio, sabertooth 2x10 esc, 2+ bs2 chips (networked), p3 laptop (win xp pro). rs-232 serial cable (pc to bs2). just need to send a signal from rr to bs2 subroutine.
Anonymous 15 year
You need to have the MSRDS boebot BS2 application on the BoeBot in order for the BoeBot module to work. You can download that BS2 application from


When you say "program shuts down" what specifically happens? Does RR crash with an error? Does it just disappear without saying anything? Does RR immediately crash when you insert the module or after changing something within the GUI interface?

Also if you just want to use the serial module search this forum for many others that have accomplished this same task. Perhaps search for Bs2 to start.

Anonymous 15 year
when I open rr and put in boe bot mod w/ nothing else, bs2 off - I click ok on the boe mod , or restart rr,  no warning no error, no more rr!
with the bs2 on it doesn't close.
I tried the botcontrolformsrs.bs2 , and changed the serin/ serout to pin 16 (serial cable) blocked the bluetooth (I don't have one) and it didn't work!!!!

what is msrs?
Anonymous 15 year
bs2 program
Anonymous 15 year
' -----[ Title ]--------------------------------------------------------------
' File: BoeBotControlForMsrs.bs2

' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}

' -----[ DATA ]---------------------------------------------------------------

ResetOnOff        DATA 0                     ' On/off toggle w/ Reset button
RequestConnect    DATA $FF, 0, 1, 0, 0
ConnectionGranted DATA $FF, 0, 2, 0, 0
RequestCommand    DATA $FF, 0, 3, 0, 0
ServoSpeeds       DATA $FF, 0, 4, 0, 0

' -----[ Variables ]----------------------------------------------------------

tLeft          VAR     Word                  ' Servo control pulse durations
tRight         VAR     Word

temp           VAR     Word                  ' Temp variable

' Buffer array not declared as buffer VAR Word(5) for SERIN functionality.
' It can still be accessed as buffer(0), buffer(1), etc.  However,
' buffer0, buffer1, etc. should be used in SERIN commands with variations
' of WAIT.
buffer0        VAR     Byte                  ' Buffer - Start char = $ff
buffer1        VAR     Byte                  ' Message Index value
buffer2        VAR     Byte                  ' Command
buffer3        VAR     Byte                  ' Argument 1 (return data 1)
buffer4        VAR     Byte                  ' Argument 2 (return data 2)
buffer         VAR     buffer0               ' For standard array indexing

duration       VAR     Byte                  ' 50ths of ms duration
frequency      VAR     Byte                  ' 50ths of frequency
pointer        VAR     Byte                  ' EEPROM pointer
msgIndex       VAR     Byte                  ' EEPROM message index

routine        VAR     Nib                   ' Routine selector
counter        VAR     Nib
index          VAR     Nib

flagWhiskers   VAR     Bit                   ' Act on Whisker values
flagDigSens    VAR     Bit                   ' Send back digital sensors 1/0s
                                             ' with every reply
flagIr         VAR     Bit                   '
tempBit        VAR     Bit

' -----[ Initialization ]-----------------------------------------------------

' This code makes it possible to toggle the Boe-Bot on/off by pressing and
' releasing the Board of Education's Reset button.


'  For on/off toggle with Reset
'  READ ResetOnOff, temp
'  temp = temp + 1
'  WRITE ResetOnOff, temp
'  IF temp.BIT0 = 0 THEN
'    FREQOUT 4, 1000, 2000 - Indicate inactive
'    END

'HIGH 15
FREQOUT 4, 75, 3000
'LOW 15



  'Wait for the eb500 radio to be ready.
  PAUSE 100
     FREQOUT 4, 75, 3000
  'Wait for the EB500 Bluetooth connection to be established.

  GOSUB Ram_Clear

    pointer = RequestConnect
    GOSUB Get_Packet
    SEROUT 16, 84, [STR buffer \5]

    pointer = ConnectionGranted
    GOSUB Get_Packet
      SEROUT 16, 84, [255, 0, 1, 0, 0]
      SERIN 16, 84, 20, Wait_For_Confirm, [WAITSTR buffer \ 2,
                                          buffer2, buffer3,
    msgIndex = msgIndex + 1
    pointer = RequestCommand
    GOSUB Get_Packet
    SEROUT 16, 84, [STR buffer \5]

' -----[ Main Routine ]-------------------------------------------------------

  Resume:                                    ' If Message not rcvd, try again
  'IF IN5 = 0 THEN Reset                      ' EB500 disconnected?
DEBUG "  resume ",CR
  PULSOUT 12, tLeft                          ' Servo control pulses
  PULSOUT 13, tRight
FREQOUT 4, 500, 3000
  SERIN 16, 84, 5, Resume,                    ' Get next command
       [WAITSTR buffer \ 2, buffer2,
       buffer3, buffer4]

  PULSOUT 12, tLeft                          ' Servo control pulses again
  PULSOUT 13, tRight

  IF buffer2 = 192 THEN                       ' Handle restart req from PC
    msgIndex = 0
    GOTO Request_Connect

  LOOKDOWN buffer2,[32, 33,
                    64, 65, 66,
                    96, 97, 98,
                    128, 129, 130,
                    160, 161, 162], routine
DEBUG "           do something ",CR
FREQOUT 4, 75, 3000,2000
  ON routine GOSUB  Set_Servo_Speed, Maneuver,
                    Get_Ir, Get_Whiskers, Get_Pin_States,
                    Speaker_Tone, Set_Pins, Delay,
                    Enable_Digital_Sensors, Enable_Ir, Enable_Whiskers,
                    Disable_Digital_Sensors, Disable_Ir, Disable_Whiskers

  ' Load digital sensor values into buffer byte 3 for return message.
  IF flagDigSens = 1 THEN GOSUB Digital_Sensors

  ' Increment message index for reply.  Next message from PC has to use
  ' reply's buf[1].
  msgIndex = msgIndex + 1
  buffer1 = msgIndex
  SEROUT 16, 84, [STR buffer \5]


' -----[ Subroutine Digital_Sensors ]-----------------------------------------

' This subroutine is used by the main routine to return digital sensor values
' with each reply.


  buffer3 = 0
  GOSUB Get_Ir
  GOSUB Get_Whiskers

  IF ((buffer3.BIT2 = 0 OR buffer3.BIT3 = 0) AND (flagWhiskers = 1)) THEN
    tLeft = tLeft MAX 750
    tRight = tRight MIN 750


' -----[ Subroutine Set_Servo_Speed ]-----------------------------------------

' Range of 0 to 200 with 100 = stopped maps to 650 to 850 with 750 stopped.

DEBUG "      f_ing move now ",CR
FREQOUT 4, 500,2000, 3000
  tLeft = buffer4 + 650                      ' Decode servo speed.
  tRight = buffer3 + 650


' -----[ Subroutine Speaker_Tone ]--------------------------------------------


  duration = buffer3    ' Decode speaker tone
  frequency = buffer4
  FREQOUT 4, duration * 50, frequency * 50            ' Transmit tone

  RETURN                                ' Go to resume routine

' -----[ Subroutine Get_Ir ]--------------------------------------------------

' IR object detection for buf[3] bits 0 (left) and 1 (right).


'  IF flagIr THEN

    FREQOUT 6, 1, 38500                        ' IR headlight left
    tempBit = IN0                             ' IR receiver left
    buffer3.BIT0 = tempBit                     ' Left IR reply bit
    FREQOUT 7, 1, 38500                        'right IR out
    tempBit = IN3                              'right IR in
    buffer3.BIT1 = tempBit                     'right bit



' -----[ Subroutine Get_Packet ]----------------------------------------------

' Loads packet into buffer for transmitting.  Used by initialization.


  FOR index = 0 TO 4
    READ pointer + index, buffer(index)

  buffer(1) = msgIndex


' -----[ Subroutine Display_Command ]-----------------------------------------

' For debugging.

' cut when done\/
  FOR index = 0 TO 4
    DEBUG DEC buffer(index), CR
' cut when done/\

' -----[ Subroutine - Check_Whiskers ]----------------------------------------

' Stores left and right wiskers (contact switches) for buf[3] bit 3 (left) and
' 2 (right).


  'IF FlagWhiskers THEN

   ' buffer3.Bit2 = IN1                         ' Left whisker
   ' buffer3.Bit3 = IN2                         ' Right whisker



' -----[ Subroutine - Get_Pin_States ]-------------------------------------

' Returns all I/O pin states.  MSRS has to select the bit it wants.


    buffer3 = INL                              ' P0..P7
    buffer4 = INH                              ' P8..P16


' -----[ Subroutine - Set_Pins ]----------------------------------------------

' Sets up to two pins.  buf[3] high nibble specifies the operation, and the
' low nibble specifies the pin.  The same applies to buf[4].

' High nibble:
'    0 - no action
'    1 - set to output
'    2 - set to input
'    3 - set to (output-high)
'    4 - set to (output-low)
' Low Nibble:
'    0 to 15 - Specifies I/O pin.
'    DO NOT try to set 0, 1, 5, or 6. bluetooth only!


  temp.NIB1 = buffer3.HIGHNIB
  temp.NIB0 = buffer3.LOWNIB
  GOSUB Op_Pins

  temp.NIB1 = buffer4.HIGHNIB
  temp.NIB0 = buffer4.LOWNIB
  GOSUB Op_Pins



  SELECT temp.NIB1
    CASE 1
      OUTPUT temp.NIB0
    CASE 2
      INPUT  temp.NIB0
    CASE 3
      HIGH   temp.NIB0
    CASE 4
      LOW    temp.NIB0


' -----[ Subroutine - Delay ]-------------------------------------------------

' Specify delay in ms.


  temp.LOWBYTE = buffer3
  temp.HIGHBYTE = buffer4
  PAUSE temp


' -----[ Subroutine - Enable_Digital_Sensors ]--------------------------------

' Causes program to put digital sensor values in buf[3] of the reply packet.


  FlagDigSens = 1


' -----[ Subroutine - Disable_Digital_Sensors ]------------------------------

' Causes program to put digital sensor values in buf[3] of the reply packet.


  FlagDigSens = 0


' -----[ Subroutine Enable_Whiskers ]-----------------------------------------

' Causes program to stop the Boe-Bot if Whisker contact is sensed.  This gives
' the PC bluetooth system time to reply.


  flagWhiskers = 1


' -----[ Subroutine Disable_Whiskers ]----------------------------------------

' Causes program to ignore the whisker contact.  Also ignores when they are
' not connected.


  flagWhiskers = 0


' -----[ Subroutine Enable_Ir ]-----------------------------------------------

' Not implemented.


  flagIr = 1


' -----[ Subroutine Enable_Whiskers ]-----------------------------------------

' Not implemented.


  flagIr = 0


' -----[ Subroutine - Maneuver ]----------------------------------------------

' Preprogrammed maneuver example.  Current setup allows:
'   "U" - Back up then U-turn
'   "R" - Back up then right turn
'   "L" - Back up then left turn

  ' fixed
  SELECT buffer3
    CASE "U"
      FOR temp = 0 TO 35
    PULSOUT 13, 650
    PULSOUT 12, 850
    PAUSE 20
      FOR temp = 0 TO 40
        PULSOUT 13, 650
        PULSOUT 12, 650
        PAUSE 20
    CASE "R"
      FOR temp = 0 TO 20
        PULSOUT 13, 850
        PULSOUT 12, 850
        PAUSE 20
    CASE "L"
      FOR temp = 0 TO 20
        PULSOUT 13, 650
        PULSOUT 12, 650
        PAUSE 20


' -----[ Subroutine Ram_Clear ]-----------------------------------------------

' Clears ram for reset from PC.  This prevents retaining the msgIndex and
' pulseLeft/right variable values, which would otherwise cause problems.


  W0 = 0
  W1 = 0
  W2 = 0
  W3 = 0
  W4 = 0
  W5 = 0
  W6 = 0
  W7 = 0
  W8 = 0
  W9 = 0
  W10 = 0
  W11 = 0
  W12 = 0

Anonymous 15 year
Are you sure you have DirectX installed? The serial module uses that to acquire a list of available COM ports on your machine. As we are not able to replicate the issue it appears to be something specific with your setup. If anyone else has experienced this issue please also make a note in this thread.

MSRS = MSRDS = Microsoft Robotics Development Studio i.e. Microsoft's robotic platform.


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