Rovio Module dropping wifi signal
from United States  [214 posts]
15 year
Hi STeven,

The Rovio Module in RR seems to be dropping the wifi connection every time I use it.  The connection is dropped within about 60 seconds of driving around using the module's manual controls.  It does the same thing when I connect via the C# API.  The robot itself seems to be OK since I can drive around indefinitely using the WowWee interface in Internet Explorer.

When RoboRealm loses the connection, it throws up the error screen shown in the attached image.  I have tried various settings on my wireless router  (Linksys) but the result is the same.  And as I say, I don't have any trouble with the WowWee control interface.

Let me know if you need any more info.


from United States  [214 posts] 15 year
Hi STeven,

I upgraded to RR version and my wifi problems with Rovio went away!


Anonymous 15 year

Hmm, that's strange. We were testing for this error but had not yet been able to replicate it. Perhaps a quick tweak to that module since the last time you tried has fixed the issue. I know we made some changes to the Spykee module which was having similar issues so perhaps that was what changed.

Let us know if you see this behavior again ...

from United States  [214 posts] 15 year
Hi STeven,

OK, I spoke too soon.  The attached .robo file causes my Rovio to lose the wifi connection 100% of the time within 60 seconds of running.  The .robo file simply spins the robot in a circle at a moderate speed by setting two variables, ROVIO_DRIVE and ROVIO_SPEED before calling the Rovio module.  Once the connection is lost, the Rovio has to be power-cycled and RoboRealm restarted to reconnect.

A possible clue: once the two variables are set (ROVIO_DRIVE and ROVIO_SPEED), double-clicking on either of the set variable lines in the RoboRealm pipeline brings up the set variable window with ROVIO_CHARGING as the variable, not ROVIO_DRIVE or ROVIO_SPEED.

Hope this helps!


from United States  [214 posts] 15 year
Hi STeven,

Well, something very strange is going on.  Now the WowWee Rovio module can't hold a connection for longer than about 60 seconds even if (a) it is the only module in the pipeline and (b) I don't do anything with the module--just load it, connect, and leave it.  When the connection is lost, I get the popup error window that I have attached.  Furthermore, the Rovio has to be power cycled before it will connect again.

On the other hand, using Internet Explorer and the web-based control interface works perfectly and for an arbitrarily length of time, so I don't think the problem is with my robot.

Carmelo--if you see this post, are you having a similar problem?  I am using the latest version of RoboRealm--


from United States  [214 posts] 15 year
Hi STeven et. al.,

I'd love to get my Rovio/RoboRealm setup working again.  As described above, I simply can't get the Rovio Module to hold a signal for more than about 60 seconds--even when just loading the module, connecting, then doing nothing else.   I can drive around all day using WowWee's own web-based interface so I think my robot and wireless router is OK.  I think something must have changed when you added the Speed variable option since everything worked fine before then.  The weird thing is that when the connection is lost, not even a web browser can connect to the robot until it has been power cycled.  The only thing I can think of is maybe the RoboRealm Rovio Module is "hitting" the robot too frequently with the GetData.cgi command causing it to lock up, or perhaps some funky command is being sent inadvertently.

In any event, if others are using the Rovio Module without any trouble I'd love to hear that too since then I can assume it is just my particular robot...

Anonymous 15 year
I have not tried this but Rovio posted an update to there firmware http://www.robocommunity.com/download/15224/Rovio-firmware-UI-v5.00b10-Beta/ it includes some network updated might be worth trying to update and see if it helps

Anonymous 15 year

After considerable testing we discovered a potential issue that might be happening. The Rovio keeps pushing out its video regardless of if the receiving machine is accepting it or not ... if RR is doing something that cannot keep up with 25 fps then the video frames start overloading the network and you get some significant video lag with an eventual timeout. This then seems to cause the Rovio to shutdown until restarted.

We are working on a way around this issue and will have posted a new solution in a couple hours. I'll post back when this is ready.

from United States  [214 posts] 15 year
Hey STeven,

Many thanks for taking a look.  But thanks to the post above about upgrading the firmware, I think my Rovio is behaving again!  Now that I've done the firmware upgrade, I've had the robot running continuously for about 15 minutes with no hang ups.  So after all that, perhaps that's all I needed.  I still don't why it stopped working in the first place, but I can live with that.

Scott Blais from United States  [3 posts] 14 year
My rovio has the same problem, and I have the latest version of Roborealm, it crashes after about 60 seconds, is there a fix for this yet?  Would love to buy the license but right now its useless.  I have 2 Rovios and 3 computers, same problem on all of them.  
Scott Blais from United States  [3 posts] 14 year
Never mind, I did the upgrade and problem is now fixed too!
Anonymous 14 year
Ok, we retested things here with version 2.20 in adhoc and infrastructure mode and don't see any of the frame dropping even after 15 min. Can anyone still having issues mention which version of RoboRealm you are running and perhaps upgrade to 2.20 to see if the issues persist?

Also, note your battery power as there have been charging and power issues with the Rovio which would also cause the network to drop. We've actually hardwired ours to an adaptor to eliminate battery issues ... naturally its now tethered but at least the power is consistent!

Scott Blais from United States  [3 posts] 14 year
Im having no problems at all now, the problem was with Rovio's firmware, after upgrading I am getting zero drops from Robo Realm and ever module and function works perfectly.

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