Anonymous 15 year

The "best" camera for use with RR is a difficult question to answer as there are so many variations of cameras out there that all work with RR. It will really depend on your qualities as to which one is good. The best are normally very expensive ... so cost is normally a factor too. The best camera for use with RR is the one that makes the most sense for your application considering cost, speed (frames per second), lighting (low light conditions?), bandwidth (usb 2.0, ethernet?), connection (wired or wireless), power (battery or wall socket?), lens (zoom, focus, iris, shutter, etc.) so we can't really answer that in more detail.

I'd recommend buying or getting a couple cameras to try esp in an outdoor scene. Some cameras are much more sensitive to IR (i.e. sunlight) than others so that will be a factor. Perhaps you can find a couple friends that have cameras and borrow them for a day to test ... we've never been able to reliably predict how a camera will perform until actually tested. We've had cases where a camera performs great but then when exposed to a different type of lighting the image becomes washed.

We'd recommend that if you are going to use more than one camera for 3D vision that you DO buy the same model. In fact be sure to pick up all the cameras from the same store at the SAME time. Otherwise, even with slight differences in the model of the camera can cause issues. You really want all the cameras fabricated as close as possible to each other to ensure that the fabrication produced cameras as similar as possible.


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