Painting with a lightsource Josh from United States [3 posts] |
16 year
So I just came across this program tonight, and now I have many projects I want to design and pursue... but I have a question:
I have the software tracking a LED light source I move around with my hand, completely isolated - coming up as a cyan colored dot moving around the window. Now, I cannot seem to find any functionality for it, so I am wondering if there is any way for the software to leave the paths/streaks on the screen?... basically like you were painting. I believe it would be some sort of exposure or frame overlay, but I cannot figure it out...
Your help is appreciated - Thanks
Anonymous |
16 year
nice app!
Use the Math module to add the previous frame into the current one. That will cause the current dot merge with previous dots.
FYI, use the Search tab and just type in Math to quickly find that module. Basically you are just adding the previous screen to the current with a cap at 255.
Another one you can play with is the Average module that averages past frames ... kind of a cool effect!
Josh from United States [3 posts] |
16 year
Thanks for the reply -
Alright, I have the math program adding the dots, but how do I get it to add up more than one (currently, I only have two dots after the math module)?
What would be ideal would be to have it continuously add until stopped, or say 200 frames sequentially, and then as it passes past the 200 mark, to start dropping the oldest frames... Would that be some sort of VBscript, or is there a loop method that can easily be applied to the math operation?
- Josh
Josh from United States [3 posts] |
15 year
My current program I am working on requires a way to add each frame in a way as to not "bury" the previous frames with divided opacities... I don't care so much about it dropping older frames after a certain period... just a way to paint on the screen without the old frames growing dimmer with each frame addition... almost like a mask addition over a transparent background...
Thank you for the directive -
Anonymous |
15 year
Can you include the robofile that you currently have? The math module should do what you mention with the expection that after 200 frames it will NOT start removing the old frames. We will start with your first issue of why the math module is not performing as expected. Seeing how you have configured it will help us understand your issue.