Trendnet TV-IP110W camera and Roborealm woes
Jes1510 from United States  [1 posts]
16 year
I am trying to use roborealm with a Trendnet TV-IP110W Wifi camera.  Unfortunately I am unable to access the image from the camera.  I have tried to use the HTTP Read module and it was a no go.  The camera hosts a page that presents the video in what appears to be ActiveX which I know exactly nothing about.  

Here is the source from the page:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Wireless Network Camera</title>
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var msgRecOK = new Array(item_name[_STOP_RECORD],item_name[_MANUAL_RECORD]);
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var msgSnpFail = new Array(item_name[_SAVE_FAIL],item_name[_SNAPSHOT]);
var msgTlkOK = new Array(item_name[_TALKING],item_name[_TALK]);
var msgLisOK = new Array(item_name[_LISTENING],item_name[_LISTEN]);
var msgtrigOK = new Array(item_name[_TRIGGER_OUT],item_name[_TRIGGER_OUT]);

function time_go(){


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function setAFlag(d){
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function avStop(){
function avStart(){
function videoEnable(flag){

// -3 : disabled
// -2 : OS sound not-available
// -1 : server occupied
// 0 : success
function audioEnable(flag){
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    if(ret ==  0)
    return ret;


var filepath = "";
var flagRecording = false;
var cntRecording = 0;
function pathGetCookie(){
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function change(idx){
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function listen(obj){
        var ret = audioEnable(aflag);
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        else if (ret == -3)    
        else if (ret == -4)    
        else if (ret < 0)
        //restoring the flag
var tflag = false;
function setTFlag(d){
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// -3 : disabled
// -2 : os mic not-available
// -1 : server occupied
// 0 : success
function talkEnable(f){
    var ret = 0;
        ret = document.ucx.TalkOn();
    return ret;

function talk(obj){

    var ret  = talkEnable(tflag);

    if(ret == -1)
    else if (ret == -2)
    else if (ret == -3)
    else if (ret == -4)
    else if (ret < 0)
    //restoring the flag
    if(ret < 0)

function browse(){
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        {       filepath =      addTrailSlash(t);


function snap(obj){
        if(filepath == "")
                {       browse();
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                document.ucx.SnapFileName= filepath
                ret = document.ucx.SnapVideo();
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function clearMsg(tdid,mesgon,mesgoff){
       var obj = document.getElementById(tdid);

function record(obj){

        if(flagRecording == false)

                            flagRecording = true;                            
                flagRecording = false;

var wholepath="";
function recordStart(){

                if(filepath == "")
                {       browse();
                        if(filepath == "")

                        return false;
                        fileDate=new Date();
                        filename = ""
                        filename = filename +(fileDate.getFullYear())+ addZero((fileDate.getMonth()+ 1 ))+addZero(fileDate.getDate())+"_"+addZero(fileDate.getHours())+ addZero(fileDate.getMinutes()) + addZero(fileDate.getSeconds())+ "_" + cntRecording + ".avi"

                        wholepath = filepath+filename;

                rint = window.setInterval("getRecordState()",1000);

function recordStop(){


// -1: no space
// -2: resolution or framerate change
// -3: source format changed
// -4: file access error
function getRecordState(){
        var ret;

        if((ret =document.ucx.AVIRecStatus )!=0)

                flagRecording = false;
                document.ucx.AVIRecStatus= 0;
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                else if(ret == -3)
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                    alert(popup_msg[popup_msg_62]+" (" + wholepath+")" );

function alarmtrig(tdobj){
    var obj = document.formalarm;
    obj.alarm.value = 1;
    obj.target = "hid";
    window.setTimeout("clearMsg('altd','" +msgAlmOK[0]+"','"+msgAlmOK[1]+"')",500);

<body onLoad="time_go();start();">
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                        <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><img src="images/description_TV-IP110W.gif"></td>
                                <td align="right" valign="top"><font color="#FFFFFF"><span id="location" name="location"></span>: <span class="t12">
                                On a robot    </span></font><font color="#FFFFFF"><span class="style1">
                                <span id="datebar">2007/01/01 01:34:10</span>
                                  </span>  </font>
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                                            <td align="center"><a href="../admin/setup.cgi?page=system"><img src="images/but_setup_0.gif" name="b_setup" width="122" height="25" border="0" id="Image2" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('b_setup','','images/but_setup_1.gif',1)" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"></a></td>
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                        <tr style=" display:none">
                          <td class="bglblue" onClick="alarmtrig(this);" align="center" id="altd"><a href="javascript:;" class="a" id="alm"><span id="manualalarm" name="manualalarm"></span></a></td>
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                                        <tr align="center" >
                                          <td background="images/bg_but.gif" class="t12"><a id="scale1" class="textori" href="javascript:scale(1.0);">1x</a></td>
                                          <td background="images/bg_but.gif" class="t12"><a id="scale2" class="textori" href="javascript:scale(2.0);">2x</a></td>
                                          <td background="images/bg_but.gif" class="t12"><a id="scale3" class="textori" href="javascript:scale(3.0);">3x</a></td>
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                                          <td width="70" background="images/bg_but.gif" class="t12" id="nighttd" style="display:none"><a href="" id="nighta" class="textori" ><span id="nightmode" name="nightmode"></span></a></td>
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                        ActiveX is not installed. This function is only avaiable in Windows Internet Explorer.
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<iframe name="hid" width="0" height="0" src="hidden.asp" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I tried the trendnet camera setup under controls (for the TV-IP201W camera) and that didn't work either.  I'm an electronics guy and know next to nothing about web programming and ActiveX.  Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank ahead of time,
Anonymous 16 year
The latest version of roborealm supports this camera.  This issue is resolved.  
Billy from United States  [26 posts] 16 year
I have a TRENDnet TV-IP110W and, it's not working with the current version of RR. I'm using firmware v1.0.0.89 which is kinda new.  Also, the radio buttons on the RR module are strange, if you select IP110W, it doesn't de-select the IP-201 camera.. it selects them both??

Thanks, Billy
Anonymous 16 year

We double checked that module against the Trendnet demos at


and they seem to work (we did have to update the default config for one of the cameras) and also corrected the error you pointed out in the selection. Perhaps that was the error? Please download the latest version and see if you are still having issues.

If so, is it possible to allow outside access to your camera? In that way we could access it directly and see what might be going wrong.

Billy from United States  [26 posts] 16 year

I figured out what my problem was (with exception to the controls issue).. I was using the default port you had instead of changing it to port 80.. After I did that, it worked like a champ. I did download the new version and can confirm it works also, and the radio button controls now work correctly.

Thanks, Billy

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