Endurance PCTx (Not Responding)
15 year

I'm running RoboRealm v1.8.23.25 and I have an Endurance PCTx usb device.  When I insert/edit an Endurance PCTx module (Under Control -> Others) to my RoboRealm program, it stops responding.

When I run their own sample program, it works just fine.

Can you currently use the Endurance PCTx module without any freezing problem?  I have tested it with two different PCs, but had the same issues.

Anonymous 15 year
We're currently working with Endurance R/C to see what the issue might be. We made a couple updates to v1.8.23.26 and are waiting for any results. You can either try that newer version or wait until we have a chance to check with Endurance.

Thanks for the note!
Anonymous 15 year
I tried it with v1.8.23.27, but got the same problem.  Let me know once you get it fixed.


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