Saikumar. from India  [20 posts]
15 year
Hi STeven,

Its been cool going with RR, hope you ve been doing fine too :)

Well reg Sample_line function, is it possible to get the cordinates of the samples?
I would like to use these samples to make a simple line follower :P besides using pathplanning.

Thankyou verymuch.
Anonymous 15 year

Yes, a variable called SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS is created (use the Watch module to see all variables) that includes the points of the sampled line. Is that what you were looking for?

Saikumar. from India  [20 posts] 15 year
oops! should have checked the documentation.
and yes, thats what I wanted.
Thanks Steve.

Well Steve,
The real part is, I need to make a b&w sketch of a photograph[face only].
What i want is only a single dark line, so that I use this Sample_line to produce the required array.
Then i wd like my bot to sketch it on sheet using pathplanning and that array. Well the pen up-pen down is a secndy headache.

Plz do help Steve,[might be topic name dosen sound apt for ths prob]
Anonymous 15 year
Sounds like fun! Good luck ...

Also, please check your text before posting as it seems you are missing a couple of characters in your post which makes it hard to understand.


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