Can't change camera resolution
Clint Chapman from Canada  [20 posts]
16 year
I'm using a bigcatch 5MP camera but am unable to get it to use a higher resolution than the lowest.  When I go to the camera options and select a higher resolution, the display flashes but remains at the lower resolution.  Any idea what would cause this or how to troubleshoot it?  Is there a log file or any other way to see an error message?

In general the software is great and we are very close to greatly simplifing/automating part of our QA with Roborealm except that we need to use the highest resolution.

Any help would be appreciated.

Anonymous 16 year

What are the possible resolutions for that camera? Also what format do they offer in those sizes. Sometimes certain formats don't allow for a particular size. This would give us a better idea of the images that you are working with.

Are you able to select those sizes in any other image manipulation type software?

This might be a DirectX versus VFW issue. VFW is checked after DirectX is tried. Thus the config you may be seeing is DirectX but something is failing and then defaulting to VFW. Be sure that there are no other devices running that would hold captive the camera.

Clint Chapman from Canada  [20 posts] 16 year
I've attached the dialog that shows the resolutions.  I'm not sure what you mean by "format"?

These sizes do work with the Scopetek software that came with the camera and it is the same dialog that is used to select the size.

We were switching back and forth between roborealm and scopetek but even after a clean reboot, I can't change the resolution.

I've tried enabling verbose logging too but I can't find the log file.  I'm assuming the log file should be in the same directory as the executable?  

Any other ideas?

Thanks for looking at this.

Clint Chapman from Canada  [20 posts] 16 year
It appears it may be a problem with the driver.  I've loaded the directx filter in graphedit and when I right click on the pin to adjust the resolution, it doesn't work either.

I think you might be right about it getting an error and switching to VFW because when I run the graph in graphedit, the video is at the highest resolution (likely whatever it has already be set to by our other program).  Is there any way to force roborealm to use directx only, even if it gets an error trying to set the resolution?

Thanks again,
Clint Chapman from Canada  [20 posts] 16 year
I have found a workaround using graphedit.  The trick seems to be that the graph needs to be disconnected before the output pin/resolution is modified.

Any chance roborealm could disconnect the graph before changing the video format and then rerender the pin after?  I'm not a directx expert but does this make sense?

Anonymous 16 year

  I have met the same question, the image resolution is highest while using program manufactory presented. but it switch CIF format and can't change the format in rr, the property page is disabled. I check AMCAP of DIRECTX. it can change resolution to custom format before check "preview". So I guess RR need a filter like AMCAP  that can change property page parameter before preview. I still don't know how to  deal with it,if you have any progress, please let me know.
Anonymous 16 year

We adjusted some of the settings in the SetFormat but I'm not sure if that will make a difference in your case.

Instead, try this.

Use regedit to edit My Computer\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\RoboRealm\\ImageDimension

and change the single entry to


which will cause RR to use that image size when connecting to the last used camera ... (note you are just changing RR's configuration registry entry)

Let us know if this makes any difference as the initial size setting is done prior to the graph being rendered. If this test works we can seek out a better way to change this more easily.

If this does not work can you also include a screenshot of your graphedit?

Clint Chapman from Canada  [20 posts] 16 year
I've attached the graph from GraphStudio.  The interesting thing about this graph is that when I try to change the resolution by changing the properties of the output pin for the ScopeTek camera it doesn't complain but it doesn't actually change it and when I go back to the properties window the resolution is back at the old value.  If I disconnect the camera filter from the color space converter filter, I can then change the resolution but I can't connect the same color space converter back up to the camera filter.  I have to rerender output pin of the camera filter, regenerating the rest of the graph.

I have tried modifying the registry (both ImageDimension and the CaptureSettings for the camera).  I think maybe that helps but it's not all of the problem.  I have gotten the Roborealm to load with the camera in the high resolution setting but I haven't been able to nail down the exact sequence to get it to work.  I think it has something to do with loading the camera in another program in the high resolution.  Even when I do get it working, if I close Roborealm and go back in, it goes back to the low resolution.

Anything you could do to make it easier would be appreciated.  Is it possible for me to add create an addin that would fix it?  Unfortunately, the Camera_Properties addin crashes with my camera as soon as I load it.

Thanks again,
Anonymous 16 year

Looks  like ScopeTek has a pretty non-standard directX driver that seems to be causing the issue. It might be possible to create a workaround similar to what you have described but not without us getting direct access to that camera/usb driver. If this is something that you would like to pursue and are willing to setup a Remote Desktop server for us to gain access please use the site contact form to send us the appropriate information.

As the ScopeTek company does not appear to be a mainstream camera manufacturer (based on their limited website) I doubt that any efforts on our part to work with them through the issues will result in anything constructive.

Or we can proceed in a very slow manner to try to debug the Camera_Properties module to determine why this is not functioning correctly.

Let us know what works for you ...

Clint Chapman from Canada  [20 posts] 16 year
I've narrowed down the issue a little.  Here is the sequence i need to use to get it to work:

1) Set the correct resolution in another program and exit that program
2) Clear the LastDriver registry key
3) Start roborealm
4) Click the camera button to turn on the camera with no camera selected
5) Go to the options and select the camera

As long as I follow this sequence I can get rid of step 1 after the first time.  I'm guessing there is something in camera initialization when you press the "Camera" button that resets the resolution to the lower setting.  As long as another camera (or no camera) is selected when the camera button is clicked the last resolution is used when I switch to the right camera.

Anyway, I think I've got a startup sequence I can use as a work around.  If you have any quick fix ideas, I would be happy to test them.

Thanks again for looking into this.

Anonymous 16 year

We made some minor tweaks in this area in v. that might help ... a bit of a long shot but worth a quick try.


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