SRV-1b camera image not showing properly
Kushang Moorthy from India  [3 posts]
16 year
Hi, i am able to connect to the SRV-1B platform and manually able to control the movement of the bot. I am also able to recieve the frames but the RoboRealm console is not showing the images/frames properly, dignal lines are appearing which change in color when i move the robot. It seems like roborealm is unable to recognise the format in which SRV is sending the images. I am running the current stable firmware on the bot 'SRV-1 Blackfin firmware release - srv-blackfin-050608.zip'.

Any help on this issue will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Kushang Moorthy
Anonymous 15 year

Can you attach an example image of what you are seeing?

Does it only happen when you move the robot?

Do you see the same issues when you use the included SRV console to display the current image?

Try different image sizes (160x128) and see if the problem continues.


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