Richard from Netherlands  [1 posts]
16 year
Hi I would like to use roborealm with labview, I downloaded the
API VI that was located on the forum, but don't know how to use

The VI has a data in control and data out indicator, i presume the
data out indicator displays the requested data, but the syntax for
the commands in data in is not clear to me?

I have to start the API function of roborealm, but is that all? Or do
I have to specify the varabeles to be exported,

Thanks in advance,

Richard (Netherlands)
Anonymous 15 year

Ive got the same question,
Tried it with just the command (like COG_X)
Then tried is with "<get_variable>COG_X</get_variable>"
still nothing
ive tried to read the other examples and use those commands, but still nothing

mehdi from Iran  [32 posts] 15 year
I think than i can help u!
that vi,write RR commands and get RR response.
u can scan the text and find your variables!
any problem?
send mail to me!
Anonymous 15 year
See the following thread for more information http://www.roborealm.com/forum/index.php?thread_id=1471#9

Also note there is a C example in the API downloads on interfacing w/ Labview (http://www.roborealm.com/downloads/API.zip) Look in the LabView Folder

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