Exploring capabilities of machine vision
SamQ from United States  [15 posts]
16 year
I'm working on a project to create a video game playing robot.
My question to the community is:
Will current camera capabilities give a robot the ability to "see" a 2D game board so appropriate software can help discern dynamic images, numbers and a cursor position on the screen?  If so, does anyone have hardware recommendations?
Below is an example image.

SamQ from United States  [15 posts] 16 year
Unfortunately, the jpeg image shown in my post came across nowhere near as clear as on my LCD monitor screen.
The numbers are more clearly written in the same jpeg image on my computer; but I think the image here more or less conveys the type of vision detail involved.
The images seen by the robot would be on a start-of-the-art laptop LCD screen.


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