Anonymous 16 year
I'm trying to use this program to detect the 9 spots on a Rubik's cube.  I'm completely new at this program so I have no idea where to start.  Any help would appreciated.  I just need to know the 9 spots so that I can identify each color in each location

Anonymous 16 year
If it helps in any way

I do have pretty good knowledge in vb and also the camera is a logitech quickcam chat

John Christian from Norway  [25 posts] 16 year
It always helps if you could show a picture to know what we are working with here. Assuming the picture of one side of the cube covering at least 50% of the image area. Try using the RGBFilter for one of the 6 colors on the cube to identify the blobs. Use a Blob Size module to filter out small specs and noise. Then use a Blob filter to get the 9 biggest blobs (max on one side) and check the option that it should create a blobs array. You will then have enough information in that array to reconstruct the positions of the color you used in the RGBFilter. Then repeat this for each color.

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