Help with VCam issues
Rui from Portugal  [5 posts]
17 year
Hello everyone

a) Each time I open RR by API it tryes to use the VCam by default. Is this normal?

b) How can I uninstall the VCam?

c) Does anyone know of a control I can use in VB that can accept video from VCam?

Thanks in advance


Anonymous 17 year

a). It should default to the last camera used. If none were used then the VCam is normally selected since it is the first device in the camera drop down list. RoboRealm is not selecting it on purpose ... just the first thing in the list.

1. Right click My Computer
2. Select Manage
3. Click Device Manager
4. Expand Sound, Video and game controllers
5. Select RoboRealm, Virtual Camera
6. Right click and select Uninstall.

c). We're not aware of any control, but any one that does advertise that they accept DirectX webcam video should work with the VCam.


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