Reading an array in API from Australia [87 posts] |
17 year
Hi STeven,
I have attached a RR program that I would like to transfer into API format in C++. I looked into the API documentation but have not seen an example of how to deal with an array.
Could you help me convert this program into API (C++). The main problem is reading the "SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS" from RR through API.
Nemanya program.robo
Anonymous |
17 year
Have you tried to read the SAMPLE_LINE_POINTS using the GetVariable API call? It should return a list of comma delimited numbers.
you can literally use
telnet localhost 6060
and then paste in the above XML line ... a bunch of data points should be returned.
The C++ example has this routine in it as an example. Is this what you were having an issue with?
from Australia [87 posts] |
17 year
Yes, that it what I wasn't sure about. I will give it a try.