COG is not actually part of image?
17 year
Hi STeven,

I am just emailing because I wanted to know if there is a bit of an eroor with the fact that when you do a blob filter and put a bounding box around the blob using COG, doesn't this bounding box (assuming at this point you create a marker) become part of the actual image?

See, what
Anonymous 17 year
Sorry I pressed the 'Post' button instead of the 'Brose for .robo button' lol

Yeah, so what I was trying to do was to but a bounding box around a blob and then fill the bounding box.............basically I wanted to process this box. However this doesnt seem to be able to be done.

I hope you know what I mean from this post lol. In the .robo file attached you will see I was trying to RGB filter a green obstacle and then put a white bounding box around it. I then wanted to fill this box. Have you got any suggestions?

Anonymous 17 year

Most of the graphics that are added into the video are NOT processed as part of the image. If that is something you want then you can use the display rectangle to actually draw the bounding box into the image. The graphics are meant as annotation rather than actual image modification.


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