images and database
Anonymous  [8 posts]
16 year

i am currently using RR to process a video and RR is to save some of the relevant images.

so far i have saved these images in a folder but i want to know if it is possible to save the images in a MS Access database.


Anonymous 16 year
Sort of, you do not really 'save' images into an access database unless you want to use something like a blob field ...which I don't think Access supports. Ideally you would just save the filename of the image in an Access database. Any app that then uses that DB would query it for the file (along with any meta data) and then access the image from the filesystem.

You can use the Write Variables module to write out the filename (assuming it is stored in a variable) to a .csv file format. That format can be loaded into Access or other DB type applications that know about the csv format.


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