webcam and rcx
jovi from India  [1 posts]
16 year
i have a ris 1.5 kit . whjch doesnt have a camera in it. it says in the manual that a ordinary webcam can be used. can anybody advice me on the same. on how to do the interfacing. its the rcx 1.5 and not the nxt.
Anonymous 16 year
It is very similar to the NXT. The camera has nothing to do with either the RCX or the NXT. It is simply a small camera that is attached using whatever means you can to your robot, it transmits back a signal to a receiving unit (sold with the camera) which goes into your PC which then communicates to the IR tower which then communicates back to the robot. Thus the camera is a stand alone system and not sold as part of the NXT or RCX kit. You need to purchase this in addition to the RCX.

Have a look elsewhere in this forum for camera recommendations.


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