use of Endurance R/C 8/16 servo controller
17 year
Has anybody had any luck with these controllers?  Any examples or plug-ins?  I am starting out and would like a basic interface.
Anonymous 17 year

We currently don't have a module that supports that board directly. Do you already have one? If so we can add a new module that will communicate with that device similar to the one shown in the enduranceRC website. Or are you still thinking of purchasing a servo controller?

Anonymous 17 year
I have the controller and would like a module. Thanks
Anonymous 17 year
We actually started to write this module but discovered that our existing one for the PCTx should actually work with this device too! They apparently share the same communication technique.

Can you verify that at least the 8 servo controller works with the Endurance PCTx module? If so we can update the documentation and increase the control boxes to 16.


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