Les Fortner from United States  [15 posts]
16 year
For Anyone interested in AI, for your bot, you may want to look at the Verbot site, there is a great AI package, that you can get full blown for about 10 USD (do not quote me on that) but it can run macros, and thus script. If anyone can use this information with ROBOREALM, I am sure that many people would love to hear about your experience. We here at R-N-A Labs have done some intial work, but have had problems with the voice recognition, and of course the agents, that for us mean nothing. I hope that further research, and time will make some of these issues more clear. I think that ROBOREALM, might be interfaced with such software, to give a more natural, and active feel to robotic platforms.  I am very interested, in anyones development, and or ideas.

Les Fortner

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