tracking video for 2-3 colour Anonymous [8 posts] |
17 year
can u please tell me how can i use thefollowing program to track for reg and green simltaneously?
the enclosed program seems to track for red and greenbut not at the same time..
please be kind enough to help me out
Seems like you are on the right track Anonymous |
17 year
Your robo file won't load completely since it is missing the referred to mpg file. However, it seems like you have the right strategy.
Load the file once. Do the red filtering. (IE a red color filter and a blob filter) Test to see if the red area of the image is bigger then the given. If it is not, then Use a MARKER to restore to the original image, apply a green filter, and a blob filter etc. For each frame the roborealm will run both your red object code, and if that fails run the green object code. You don't want to test for red and green at the same time, just be sure that each image ends up getting scanned for both sets of objects.
I am doing something similar where I start at a green object, navigate to a red object, once the robot reaches the red object I turn around and navigate back to the green object. Another example of looking for two colors in the same frame is in the path plotting tutorial. In this tutorial you track your green robot as it navigates through red points. Take a look under tutorials for the details.
hope this helps!
Anonymous [8 posts] |
17 year
thks for taking the time
I'll try to post the video soon . i didnt before because the file was taking vey long to load. i'll try to look for another video.
maybe u cld tell mme if the program is right then?
anyway, really appreciate u taking time to look at this post
Anonymous |
17 year
Is it possible to make that mpg file available ... a little hard to see what's going wrong with that image.
Note that from your robofile you are using Media Reader twice. This is not needed. What you should do is to set a marker after the Media reader and call it something like "orig_image" which you would then revert to later in the pipeline to get back the "source" image. Since the mpg file is read in as an mpg it is not seen as the "source" image (only camera and image files are considered "source" devices) but you can emulate it using markers.
The basic idea is correct. Look for red, restore to the "orig_image" that was read by Media Reader, and then check for green. Note that the last image you will see is the green even when the red checker is working. To see the red one in action simply select that area in the pipeline and RR will show you what the image looks like at that point in the pipeline.