VEXplorer Navigation and Bug in Button interface?
Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts]
16 year
The VEXplorer can navigate to a can, position its claw appropriately, close the claw and pickup the can.  By covering the can in red duct tape, and placing a light source on the robot, I can select the can from background pretty effectively.  Since I am using only vision to guide the robot, positioning the claw on the can has to be done pretty accurately.   This now works using a area and box aspect cut.  
A bug along the way?  
1.  The button interface works great for three buttons, but adding subsequent buttons doesn't work properly (color aspects, toggilability(sp?) etc can't be set)

A feature request.
My pipe is getting to contain dozens of commands with multiple nested loops.  Since I can only see seven lines of it at a time, it is difficult to keep it organized.  Could you either make it bigger or make it resizable?

Thanks for the great work!
update on VEXplorer navigation
Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts]
16 year
I posted new video of the VEXplorer navigating using only vision to navigate to and use a claw to pickup a can.
Details are here:

Roborealm has a pretty neat learning curve, just when I think I am stumped on something, I figure it out.  

Anonymous 16 year

Wow, nice work. We posted your projects from our homepage to help increase awareness of what you've been up to. Thanks for keeping us up to date. Looks like the Vex project was quite involved!

FYI, v has the button interface fixed and new splitter scroll capabilities (grab the space between the image and program OR between the navigation tree) to resize the inner interface of RoboRealm. Makes working with bigger programs much easier!!


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