SLAM without encoders Melanie from United States [21 posts] |
17 year
We are working on a Java class called Motor_Util.java and the methods utilities we will need. The self-modified Pioneer does not have any encoders unfortunately because of the setup we have using the Sabertooth motor driver and the RoboRealm software. The motors are DC brushless with built-in encoders. But we have no idea where to connect the encoders given the current hardware setup. Is SLAM even possible without encoders and just using a webcam, GPS, and sonar to do localization and mapping? We are given waypoints right before the competition so the only landmarks we can localize on are roads and maybe some pre-stored images or map of the trail.
Anonymous |
17 year
It might be possible without encoders and most of the robots we use do not have encoders but use vision to guide the robot successfully.
Can you describe the course a little more? Is there a road or path that you can follow? How distance are the GPS waypoints? What would you have used the encoders for if you had them on the robot? Any images of the course?
Given vision, GPS and sonar you have all the basic elements to accomplish this task. It will largely depend on the type of course that you are working with.
Melanie from United States [21 posts] |
17 year
The pictures of the course are available online. It's the Penn State Mini Grand Challenge which you can google. The landmarks might be road, rock, grass, bridge, trees right? You have to follow the road a bit, go through some grass, avoid rocks and trees and probably avoid falling off a bridge.
Anonymous |
17 year
We can certainly help in this area. We're quite familiar with this competition.
You may find this parallax forum
useful as a starting point. We're still hoping to create a viable solution to this competition using RoboRealm and have a couple of items that we still working on in this area.
Melanie from United States [21 posts] |
17 year
Thanks for the info and the link. Great to hear you are familiar with the competition.
We are working on the Java RoboRealm API will be having many more questions to post to your forum in the next few weeks.