VEXplorer as Vision Platform
Anonymous from United Kingdom  [99 posts]
17 year
Hi Folks,

I just got a Vexplorer and spent the evening putting it through its paces.  I was able to get the camera feed into roborealm pretty easily.  Here is a link to my first thoughts:

I haven't made a roborealm interface for the entire robot yet.   The remote uses some kind of Pulse modulation scheme to control the hardware and I haven't figured it out yet.    

Any hints from experts on 27 Mhz RC protocols would be appreciated!

have fun!
Anonymous 17 year

We'll try to get in contact with Revell and/or Innovation First to see what information is possible to get ... but that may take a bit. If anyone has more info about the controller signals please post here!

How does the video compare with other wireless products?


Anonymous 17 year
I posted some pictures from the camera at:

The quality is poor but I suspect doable.   (Those pictures are taken in daylight but since it was so overcast, there are two 30 watt wide spectrum fluorescents located about 8 feet above the camera.)

have fun!
Vexplorer Update
17 year
It took 17 days, but I finally have the VEXplorer interfaced to Roborealm.  This is not something most folks will want to do!  (It required fairly major surgery to the VEXplorer remote and some custom hardware.)
Still the VEXplorer is now chasing checkers around.  
Details and Video are at:
Now to get it to bring me a 12oz beverage.....

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