USB Missile striker (object tracking)
Mark from United Kingdom  [3 posts]
17 year

I have been playing with object tracking using my striker usb missile launcher, here is an improved .robo file that will track a red object (I use a Bovril Jar lid) but anything RED that's a few inches in size works.

It keeps a red object in the centre of the screen using the 'USB missile strike Launcher'.


Mark from United Kingdom  [3 posts] 17 year

Of course you will need to put a webcam on your USB striker - stuck to the front of the launcher...

Anonymous 17 year

Nicely done. We simplified the VBScript part a bit to be a little clearer and a bit more efficient. The main note was to copy the RR variables into a local variable and reuse that value instead of using GetVariable which requires a COM object call.

Great Stuff!!
USB Missile Striker object tracking
Mark from United Kingdom  [3 posts]
17 year

Thanks for that, im a bit new to this, so it WAS very useful to see how you optomised the code. Thanks!

- this roborealm really is a great bit of software! truly inspiring!


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