Laser line seperation
Toby from New Zealand  [1 posts]
17 year

I'm using roborealm to seperate a laser line so I can find certain ranges of objects in an image. I'm using a webcam with an 670nm (+- 10nm) filter on it, so there is some backround light in there.
Just wondering the best edge technique to seperate the line fairly precisely, and how you would do it. I've used the colour and intensity filters and thats fine, just wondering how a really good edge extraction would look.

Images just show the laser line with minimal backround light, and lots of backround light. Refering to the later, as this is the working conditions for the application


Anonymous 17 year

We assume you are asking for further processing of the second image?

The robofile below uses a new feature in non-maximal suppression to just suppress non-vertical edges which seems to do the trick in your case. Note that since the laser is in fact an edge you don't really need to use and edge detection ... just a suppression of the non-maximal vertical edge parts.

After suppression a dilate is used to connect near edges and which are then thinned to a single line.

Hope this helps,


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