DC_Launcher module new hardware version needed
Colin  [6 posts]
17 year
DC_Launcher module does not reconize the new hardware version of Dream Cheeky USB Missile Launcher. Here is the usb info from the usb port. Hope this helps to make an update to the module. Looking forward to being able to control the thing from roborealm software.

DLL version:
Driver version:

bus/device  idVendor/idProduct
bus-0/\\\\.\\libusb0-0001--0x0a81-0x0701     0A81/0701
- Manufacturer : Rocket Baby
- Product      : Rocket Baby
  wTotalLength:         34
  bNumInterfaces:       1
  bConfigurationValue:  1
  iConfiguration:       0
  bmAttributes:         a0h
  MaxPower:             50
    bInterfaceNumber:   0
    bAlternateSetting:  0
    bNumEndpoints:      1
    bInterfaceClass:    3
    bInterfaceSubClass: 0
    bInterfaceProtocol: 0
    iInterface:         0
      bEndpointAddress: 81h
      bmAttributes:     03h
      wMaxPacketSize:   1
      bInterval:        20
      bRefresh:         0
      bSynchAddress:    0

Anonymous 17 year

This is something we're working on. Unfortunately DC has not been responsive in this issue and we are trying to get a new version of the launcher. Perhaps you can mention where you got yours from as we are not sure which suppliers are still selling the old version and which are not.

Colin  [6 posts] 17 year
I got mine from http://www.X-tremegeek.com , and it seems that they are using a modified dll file to interface the program with for the HID driver. The newest downloaded software from dream cheeky does not work with this version. I think it's because of the new remotely controlled version comming out soon by them and microsoft. If you need a copy of the software that came with this version i will zip up the file and send.

Colin  [6 posts] 17 year
Some more info that might help. It is stating that it is not finding the DC USB launcher when starting roborealm. If it is just reporting the usb info differently, as in manufacturer name, usb id. Then maybe making a way that we could set the variables in a robo file would make it easier.

Bjoern from Germany  [1 posts] 17 year
i've got one of these newer versions.
Changing the USB ids in the driver (did that on the linux ahmissile source code) does not help completely.
The device reacts but there are some issues:
The USB Commands for DOWN and UP are swapped ( so the device goes up if down is pressed).. ok, swap both commands and you are done.
Bigger problem is that the STOP command ( formerly 0x00) has changed to something else.
So you can't stop the motion, only change directions etc.
I tried some other values ( 0xFF etc), but until now no success.
Colin  [6 posts] 17 year
Well, it looks like disassembling their program would be the next step into figuring it all out. I know they are using VC++ for the coding of both the app and the dll file. So anyone got a C++ decompiler? ....:)


And think I bought my launcher just because I wanted to trip it out with a camera with motion detection and web accessible......Roborealm rocks!
Anonymous 17 year

Thanks for the info. We've tried to update both ids and command codes sent to the missile launcher but it apparently does not seem to work. We've got one from x-tremegeek on the way which should help with testing.

We'll let you know when we've got things sorted out.

Anonymous 17 year
I think the codes are also different than the original for movement not just the product ID. But if you need me to help test I am retired and and available almost all the time.

Look at me begging to be a beta tester.....lol

Anonymous 17 year

Ok, we've got the DC Missile launcher module updated with the newer hardware version. Looks like quite a bit had changed and unfortunately not for the better. The Missile launcher no longer has any feedback from the device that we were using to 'prime' the firing so now it is based on time. This will get out of sync. Too bad they went backwards with the current driver.

Please download for the fix and let us know if you get any issues.

Anonymous 17 year
Hi - I just purchased one of these launchers today. The only issue that I had with the DC control module appears to be that the reset (code 32) does not appear to function, the control only moves  the laucher downwards.
Think ya got it!
17 year
Seems so far so good. did hang when played with the DC module itself and would not stop firing. But I havent hooked it all up (IE Cam) and tested it fully yet. Thanks for so fast of a fix. I'll let you know if I get any errors with it or not....

Boy, my Xmas just got better....<grin>

Anonymous 17 year

We just uploaded a newer version for that module. We were mistaken as the new driver DOES offer some feedback but not as much as the old one. Thus, firing is now much better timed but priming the firing is still not quite as good. Also, the reset was enabled now that we can determine when the launcher has moved beyond its range.


Have fun!

More work needed
17 year
Just hooked up the latest roborealm and after firing there is no more control over the launcher. But yes everything else works alot better...

Also for remote over the internet launching the movement controls sent out by the server to the launcher only send on keypress not multiple keypresses if you keep the key down. Any ideas how to script the webserver page to notice and send the keypress as long as the key is down?



Q: What is a usb missile launcher without a second volley?
A: A great camera base for cheap cams without movement controls...:)
Anonymous 17 year

Can you send us your robofile? We tested the firing again in all modes and it seems to work fine for us even under manual or variable control. We still retain control after the launcher has fired ... but note that while firing you don't have control.

The web stuff is a little trickier. You'll need to use some sort of Javascript routine to send a request when you first click on the browser client side button and then a stop request (XMLHttp) when you release the button. The timing will not be very accurate using this. Instead, I'd instead suggest that each browser keypress causes the launcher to move X seconds in the specified direction ... you can accomplish this using a bit of VBScript in RR to force the variable to zero after only X seconds.

Im back and need more help
Colin  [6 posts]
17 year
First attached is the robo file used in both the laptop that i was using to test the usb missile launcher from xstreamgeeks.com and it had the problem of locking up (no control) after firing it.

Now my new problem. I finally got my desktop setup again so i setup the missle launcher and webcam (micro innovations). Problem is the cam works fine with roborealm but the DC_Missle module when loaded into roborealm I get a program crash. error info showing something with hidserv wrong. I can send the error file to you to help see what the error is and see if it is fixable.... help...:(

Anonymous 16 year

We can't seem to replicate this error. We tested the above script and it worked right off with our USB joystick and the newer USB Missile launcher.

However, we did add in some better error handling into v1.8.6.4 so if you can download and test that out and see if the error still happens. If it does, can you take a screenshot of the error popup and post it here?


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