GPJM Problem
Himanshu from India  [1 posts]
17 year
Hello... Genius...
I like Robo Realm very much....
I learnt lot from their..
Their is a comman problem repeating into ur forum...
and the same is with me too..
I am using china mobile(Touch screen,SED AK606), and i can use it as web cam very well.Now i want to learn ur robo vision tutorials and lot more.
a common problem is occuring with me too that of GPJM Driver not found etc...ctc.
Please help me for the same.
This is a common problem comming to ur fans(Students)... so it is to be solved by u...
and no one is going to solve it. pls... help me....
Thank u for a nice job.
Anonymous 17 year

As noted by other forum postings you need to download and install the DV Codec from



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