Joystick interface
17 year
Hi, Steven

I have a problem to pick up the second HID in the RR.
I am trying to connect a wiimote into RR. The bluetooth connecter will automaticly occupied the first HID spot but there is nothing in it. Then the virtural PPjoystick will become the second HID. Even I set " prefer to use PPjoystick". RR still can't pick up it.
Can you help me?

Anonymous 17 year

did you receive the debug version? Do things now appear to work? Perhaps our previous email got lost due to the large attachment size. Let us know ...

What module are you working with in order to pick up the Wii? We're not sure we understand your setup as you need a module to understand which HID to connect to ... or are you using the serial module?

Anonymous 17 year

You can see ppjoy is the secondary joystick. I want RR interface joystick module to pick up the PPjoy.
Not the bluetooth HID joystick.

Or is there anyway RR can read Wii variable directly? Something like Us VB programming to read mouse event?
Thanks for your help.

By the way, the RR debug revison seems miss file.


Anonymous 17 year

Can you try uninstalling your bluetooth HID joystick and see if RR even works with the PPJoy driver? Just want to be sure that the virtual joystick actually works with RR before continuing.

Anonymous 17 year

The PPjoystick works with RR as long as it is the first joystick in the system.  The only problem is the bluetooth HID driver. It always jump to the top. And I have no cure how to map it.
I hope you can modify the RR to pick up secondary joystick or even further joystick.

Anonymous 17 year

If you download the latest ver (just uploaded) you should see a device dropdown in the joystick dialog that allows you to select one of the joysticks. Note that this module was also improved to acquire joysticks that are plugged in after the module is running ... just select the device menu and it will refresh.

Anonymous 17 year
Thank you very much.
The module is prefect.
I can even run 2 ppjoys.

Now I think it is prossible to add as many sensor as I can into the system.
I am trying to put wiimote and NXT together in the future.  

Anonymous 17 year

You're very welcome!

That was a side benefit to the addition of the device ... the fact that you can run two joysticks on one machine ... we ran a Logitech and Saitek together! Not sure why that would be needed but I bet someone can come up with a good reason. :-)

2 Joysticks
VorlonKen  [9 posts]
17 year
1 joystick to control/override robot motion and one to do the same for a pan & title camera :-) .
Anonymous 17 year
Somehow, I find out this module is very high cost to cpu and FPS.
The FPS will drop from 30 to 22 for only one module. If I using the second  module will drop to 7 to 8 FPS.
Please advise.

Anonymous 17 year

If you close the module interface (press OK) things should increase in speed. The drawing of all the joystick graphics slows things down a bit ...


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