XY coordinate measurement nachiket from India [3 posts] |
17 year
I need to measure the X Y co-ordinates of the moving robot arm tip.
I send signals to the servo motors attached to the joints of robot arm using matlab software. Using the information on the location of the tip with respect to a fixed coordinate frame, I can calculate the joint angles using inverse kinematics. accordingly I can give the control signal to the motors to rotate certain angle such that the arm tip follows a desired path.
Can I access the information available from roborelm software using matlab.
Which web cam should prefer if I have to scan an area of 10 Sq.ft (2.5 X 4 ft)
Anonymous |
17 year
You may find this thread http://www.roborealm.com/forum/index.php?forum_id=1037
about integration of MatLab and RoboRealm interesting.
In terms of a camera ... the best way to do that is to try a couple out. Anytime we begin such an experiment we try to borrow as many cameras as possible to see which one has the best color, lighting, and angle to suit the job. The issue is that with wider angles you will get more distortion unless you can place cameras with smaller viewing angles higher up above. The best way to determine this is through experimentation as we do not have a specific equation to determine what will work best for you.