VISCA Control
17 year
Any chance a module or extention can be developed to handle the VISCA protocol?  I have a Sony EVI-D100 camera with a serial VISCA cable connected to a serial port.  The remote control Demo software from sony can control the camera fine.  It would be great if I can get RoboRealm to control the camera (similiar to what it can do with a Logitec Orbit Cam.)

Many thanks for a great program!

Anonymous 17 year

Do you know if Sony has a spec on that protocol? Do they distribute a source program that controls the camera that we can have a look at?

It is a very nice camera and unfortunately not within our budget but we can still have a look at the protocol and have you test it if you're willing ...?

VISCA Protocol
MediaMan  [3 posts]
16 year
As soon as I find something about the sony version of the protocol, I'll let you know.  Otherwise, there is data on the web about the VISCA protocol in general.
henny from United Kingdom  [2 posts] 15 year
see http://ws.sel.sony.com/PIPWebServices/RetrievePublicAsset/StepID/SEL-asset-116847/original/EVID70_D70P_Technical_Manual.pdf

its the tec manual for the D70, but it has a full copy of the VISCA protocol in it.

please,please,please,please develop a plugin it for visca


Anonymous 15 year

Thanks for the documentation link. Unfortunately we don't have the purchase of such an expensive camera in budget this year (as you can imagine like most other companies we have to watch our spending very carefully). Without this test platform we cannot develop a control system for it so unfortunately the development of a VISCA interface will have to wait for now.

David from Canada  [6 posts] 13 year
Has anyone come up with a Visca interface yet .....it's been two years. or more.

Anonymous 13 year
Anyone know of an inexpensive VISCA camera? One that would be appropriate for testing/development?

Anonymous 13 year
They show up on Ebay at times, but there not exactly cheap.
Kevin Baluha from United States  [2 posts] 13 year
found this on sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/projects/libvisca/
Kevin Baluha from United States  [2 posts] 13 year
oh yea, i have one i can send you for 50.00 or so. (its pretty old and I dont have the power cord)
Anonymous 13 year

I think we may take you up on your offer. Is the power connector a strange cable or one that we can easily purchase?

What model is it? We'd need to be sure it can be used to test most of the protocol (pan/tilt/zoom/etc.)

If you can use the contact form on the site to send us a message with your email address we can continue offline.

David from Canada  [6 posts] 13 year
I have the command list for the  Sony D30/D31 in .pdf format if that helps with this.
Anonymous 13 year

If that is something you can post or place a link too I'm sure that will help.

David from Canada  [6 posts] 13 year
Let me know if this helps..
David from Canada  [6 posts] 13 year
Is there a way to upload the .pdf file as is? I tried a .zip but it wouldn't upload
henny from United Kingdom  [2 posts] 12 year
any news on visca support??????

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