problem with keyboard mod?
Nick Matheos  [17 posts]
17 year
I have a problem with the keyboard mod.  When I put all 4 keyboard commands in one mod, it only works for the last one.  But, when I make a separate keyboard mod for each keyboard command, it works.
Anonymous 17 year

Can you include your robo-file along with your post? That would help to debug the issue.

Nick Matheos  [17 posts] 17 year
first one doesnt work, second one does
Nick Matheos  [17 posts] 17 year

Anonymous 17 year

The way the "set" action works in the keyboard module is that it will either "set" a variable OR clear it. Thus the last statement in your key list will either set it to 2 or if the cursor down key is not on will set the variable to 0. That's why only the last key seemed to work. This clearing of the variable is due to the last checkbox "Clear on Release" that is set. If you uncheck this checkbox on ALL the keys then the camera will continue to move even when the keys have been released. (Which may or may not be what you want).

In order to prevent clearing of that variable AND stopping of the camera when the key is released change all your actions to OR instead of Set and leave the Clear on Release checked. I think you will find that it works much better like that.

Included below is the corrected configuration file.

Nick Matheos  [17 posts] 17 year
Thanks alot Steven.  I understand now.  Back to work for me now!

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