Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts]
17 year
I have recently found Roborealm and have spent many hours playing with it, this really is exellent software, apart from the many uses it can be used for I would like to use it as a scanner, ie, project a laser stripe onto an object, create moravec points on the laser line and save them to a file, the angle between the camera and laser line can be calculated to give the z value, my question is would it be a problem to create a module that puts the points along the laser line at regular intervals, the moravec points seem ok but regular points would be better. Thanks again for the software and all the hard work you have put in to it.
Anonymous 17 year

Yes, that is possible. To help us out in understanding what the line looks like can you post one of the images that this module would process? That will help us test that module and/or perhaps suggest other possibilities.

Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts]
17 year
Sorry for the delay in getting back, I have had trouble getting your site.
Here are a couple of images of the line, the ambiant light is low and most of the settings are at the camera to get the best line, as the laser line progresses over the scanned object the points change position and quantity, it may be better to have the ability to choose the spacing or number of points, the point cloud produced from this will create a 3d model which may be usefull for many tasks, thanks again for your help

Laser Light
17 year

Sorry for the site issues. Our hosting provider was doing some updates that too the site down for more than a day. Things should be back to normal now.

Can you include the original images without the Moravec detector? We want to use the original image to test out the point sampling module. Looks like some thinning may also be needed.

Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts] 17 year
Again sorry for the delay in getting back to you, my new PC (two months old) died, (power supply went phut), anyway here are the images without points, they are the best images I can get. I am not knowledgeable about robotics but I wonder if this approach (if it works) for example, could the robot do a low res scan of of the room it is in and use that information, or am I being stupid.

Kind Regards

Anonymous 17 year

We just uploaded a new version of RoboRealm ( that includes the Sample Line module which will do a more controlled sampling of your lines. We used your images in the example for the module. Please let us know if that is not appropriate.

Yes, the robot could do a slow scan of the room and use that information to generate a map of sorts. The trick is to get the lighting just right so that the laser can be detected. On more expensive systems a laser grid is layered over the ground and that is used to calculate depth maps (see the Lidar systems used in the Darpa Grand challenge).

You can also use laser points as single depth estimations by pointing the laser at an angle towards the floor. With a horizontal camera the laser point would be higher in the image against a wall than against the floor. Thus based on the height of the laser you can estimate depth.


Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts] 17 year
             Thank you for taking the time to do this, Roborealm is so usefull and adaptable, your website is great and is a minefield of information, can I say how gratefull people like me who like to tinker around with technical stuff as well as researchers are for all the effort you have put into this remarkable software.

Kind Regards
Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts] 17 year
I think I must be going senile, I have downloaded the new version of Roborealm but cannot find the new module, the help file indicates that it is in the points feature section but its not there, sorry to be a pain.
Anonymous 17 year

My bad ... I mentioned that module a little too early and it had not moved out of beta into the current release. We just uploaded the newest version (normally on Mondays) and verified that module is where it should be. Please download and that should hopefully resolve things.

Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts] 17 year
Thank you, I have been using the new version and the sample line module is exellent, the end point gives the reference for the Y offset.
I am not sure why but I am having problems loading images and avi, it may well be my system, some images load OK but others dont, when I load avi, the frame counter is incrementing but nothing is displayed, just thought you should know about it.
Anonymous 17 year

If you can provide any images/avi that do not work well we'll check out the problem. Either paste a url here or upload some of the images using the upload boxes below.

Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts] 17 year
I really do not want to waste your time if the problem is my end, but the feeling I get is that roborealm is behaving different since the new modules were added,
the avi will run and stop after a few frames or not display and still images will display or not display, task manager shows no undue load, I fully expect this is my fault, but if there are some issues that have crept in then I am sure you would prefer to know.

P.S when I upload a new version of Roborealm the new version has the settings from the deleted version, would it be an idea to delete all traces of the previous version in case of a conflict.
Anonymous 17 year

Yes, you should delete all previous versions ... in fact you should just overwrite the previous version with the new one.

Can you send us the avi file so that we can test if there are issues with it?

Johnrpm from United Kingdom  [8 posts] 17 year
I tried to upload an AVI file but the server would not allow it, the problems I have had are on my work PC, my home PC loads the avi OK, the work pc is 64bit windows and my home pc is 32bit windows, my home pc is nearly new so has the latest drivers whereas my work pc may not have older versions of directx etc, ( what drivers should we users keep up to date for Roborealm ?) if no one else has had a problem then it must be me.
Anonymous 17 year

Most likely your work PC does not have the latest drivers for the media player. We have similar issues with older machines. Try downloading the latest directX and Media player systems and that may solve the issue. The AVI player in RR uses the windows system calls to render the image so it will be dependant on that.

Another thing to try is a different module called the "Media Reader" ... that one will also play mpg files and might do a better job at your avi file.

Let us know what you find out.


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