VFW Driver
Kyle from United States  [1 posts]
17 year
I am using roborealm and it works fine.  I tried using the API to connect to it via sockets in C# and whenever i perform...
... it pops up the "Video Source" dialog and i have to select my "USB 2.0 WebCam".  Once I hit "OK", the dialog disappears and I am given an error "Could not connect to any VFW video capture drivers.  Is you video camera/device plugged in?"

What does this mean/what do i need to do?
Anonymous 17 year

When you run the RR application do you get the same popup? If not, run RR, set the camera to the one you want using Options->Video. Then exit. Then restart RR ... it should default back to the camera you last selected. From here on the API should not popup that message. The message appears when first run where RR is looking for a camera OR is not finding a camera that was previously connected (i.e. check that you camera is plugged in).

Alternatively instead of sending it an "on" send it the name of the camera as you see in the Options->Video dropdown. Something like

rr.setCamera("logitech PTZ")

or something like that.


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