Decreasing fps to a specific value Sudzzz from United States [17 posts] |
17 year
I would like to decrease the fps of the output to 5fps. Is this possible? Furthermore, I would like to decrease the speed at which RR processes. I'm assuming RR processes every single frame and hence it processes at 30 Hz when the camera is at 30 fps. So if I do decrease the fps of input feed that RR receives to 5fps, then the processing will also be at a decreased rate of 5Hz. Please correct me if i'm wrong.
Anonymous |
17 year
Yes, that is correct. You can slow down the processing by slowing down the camera rate.
Alternatively, you can add the timer module
to stop processing until X number of seconds have passed. Either should work.
Note that you would decrease the fps of the camera by going into Options->Video, select format button and then use that interface to lower the fps (normally 30 by default).
Reduce frame rate from C++ API Sudzzz from United States [17 posts] |
17 year
Is there a way to reduce the frame rate to around 3fps ( I checked, and the lowest framerate RR supports is 6fps) from a C++ code (API) without manually configuring it.
How do i set up the timer..It doesnt seem to reduce the fps at all.
Anonymous |
17 year
We added in some new timing interface into the Options dialog. You can now change the Processing FPS (in the Other tag) to 3fps which should do what you want it to. Note that you will have to redownload RoboRealm as this is a new feature.
Thanks for the fps option Sudzzz from United States [17 posts] |
17 year
Great! Thanks a lot you guys. Its great to have a team of dedicated engineers help ppl out. Thanks again.