Roborealm and Delphi
17 year
Does anyone know how to link the roborealm with Delphi???
Anonymous 17 year
You should be able to using the API with some programming effort. We're not familiar with Delphi and unfortunately do not have any plans to create an example for Delphi unless there is a significant demand for such an example.

Jorge Moreno from Mexico  [4 posts] 17 year
I link Delphi with RoboRealm with a virtual serial port at 115,200 bps. You can get a Null-mode emulator (com0com) from http://com0com.sourceforge.net/...it's free....
nima from Iran  [1 posts] 13 year
i know its 3 years ago post but i really need to using roborealm software  with delphi .
any can help me or have examples?
Anonymous 13 year
Are you able to open up a socket connection using Delphi? Perhaps you have an example in your environment that opens up a socket connection, sends some text and reads some text? If you have that much then the rest is an adaptation of this.

Have a look at the API page and all the <request></request> specifications. That's what you would send over the socket and then interpret the results.

Ken from United States  [8 posts] 13 year
Just open the dll with the following, very easy.
No need to fool with xml, the dll does it for you.

res : string
rr: variant;

rr := CreateOleObject(RoboRealm.API.1);


rr.setvariable('xxxx','roborealm is awesome');

res := rr.getvariable('xxxx');


If any questions, I would be glad to help if I can..

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