line list Anonymous |
17 year
Hi, Steven
What is MEP Coordinate Array?
Is this one come with Blobs filter?
Please advise.
Anonymous |
17 year
The MEP coordinate array is the array of rectangular boxes that minimally encloses a blob. Ie if a box angled at 45 degrees better encloses the blob than a box at 0 degrees (i.e. its bounding box) then the MEP would indicate a 45 degree rotated box. This is similar in concept to a bounding box but allows the bounding box to be rotated to be aligned better to the object.
This does not come with the blob_filter but DOES come with the blob_replace filter as a MEP_COORDINATES variable. Do you need it within the blob_filter module? Are you needing to filter blobs based on a quality of the MEP of a blob?
Anonymous |
17 year
Thanks for your reply. MEP_COODINATES are perfectly suit my needs.
See attached picture for your info.
The problem I am facing right now is how to copy an array to an array variable. The DIM command doesn't work in VB script. I need output the MEP_COORDINATES for farther process. Like identify the object, save the object to database, and recall the variable from another VB script program in the same robo file etc.
Please advise
Anonymous |
17 year
If you could include what you are trying to do in VB that may be easier for us to help. For example
Dim list
Redim list(100)
list(0) = 100
list(1) = 101
list(2) = 102
seems to work with the VB in the VBScript_Program module which would allow you to work with VBScript arrays.
line list Anonymous |
17 year
How can I create the line list in order to display the lines?
I still have problem to Set an array that allow me store data between VB extensions.
Anonymous |
17 year
See the attached robofile. Its quite easy to draw lines with the new draw line module. Be sure you have the most recent RR version otherwise you will not see the red lines.
Hopefully that makes sense. Note that you don't need to declare a dim array as the draw line module takes a string of x,y coordinates which is not the most efficient but keeps the format easy.
STeven. program.robo
line list array Anonymous |
17 year
Thanks for your sample file. It works one way.
I still need to save the calculated xy coordinates into xylist.
Can I use a for ...next loop to do that?
Anonymous |
17 year
Yes, that is correct. To use your "star" array you would use something like
xylist = "" & star(0)
for i = 1 to ubound(star)
xylist = xylist & "," & star(i)
or you could also use the join feature of VBScript and use
xylist = join(star, ",")
which is easier if you do not need to process the star array while creating the xylist string.