41 posts
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Find circle shapes [9]
Very nice indeed. Yes I've realized that lightning is of great importance in this problem and already working on a...
8 year 9 2640
Find circle shapes [7]
You assume right. I would like to measure diameter of circular area around tablets. How about this [Image 03.jpg] ...
8 year 9 2640
Find circle shapes [5]
Here is the complete image [Image 01.jpg] - ignore background :) ...
8 year 9 2640
Find circle shapes [4]
Here it is [Image.jpg]
8 year 9 2640
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [5]
First of all thank you very much for your kind reply and effort. And yes of course you can use that for your tutorial.
8 year 6 2507
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table [3]
Yes, I am interested in X marks - need to know X,Y coordinates where X marks exists [ToAnalyze - 02.jpg]. Template is [TemplateI...
8 year 6 2507
Best shape to detect upper-left corner of a table
Need to find X,Y coordinates of upper-left corner of each table in [Temporary 2.jpg]. I use Object_Recognition module -> Shap...
8 year 6 2507
Fiducials - 32/64 bit windows [4]
Please remember that I am not working with still image ... I am working with image from camera. So, reading fiducials changes fr...
7 year 11 2416
Fiducials - 32/64 bit windows [2]
Additional testing showed that this problem is not related to Windows 32/64 bit but appears to be related to RR version.
7 year 11 2416
Fiducials - 32/64 bit windows
When I run Fiducial module over [Example.jpg] on 64-bit Windows 7 ... I get 3 fiducials found and "findings" are "stable" (in ea...
7 year 11 2416
Fiducials - 32/64 bit windows [11]
I've just tested and it works perfectly. Thank you....
7 year 11 2416
Fiducials - 32/64 bit windows [9]
It is acceptable if new version is going to be available within next 4-5 days. Thank you very much ...
7 year 11 2416
Fiducials - 32/64 bit windows [7]
Have a commercial application and need to solve that problem asap ...have you considered possibility of giving access to older c...
7 year 11 2416
Fiducials - 32/64 bit windows [6]
Unfortunately not even "high" precision does not improves readings. I've tried everything, I've spent a lot of hours trying to p...
7 year 11 2416
some modules (VBScript) are not executed [3]
True :) Thank you very much....
8 year 3 2411
some modules (VBScript) are not executed
When I run RoboRealm it automatically loads predefined program (RoboFile). Then I press RUN. Usually it works just as expected. ...
8 year 3 2411
Convert image of a curve into series of X,Y coordinates
Any idea how to convert into series of x,y coordinates of: 1. Blue curve 2. Upper and...
7 year 2 2161
RR - execution flow
I've made a very simple robo file. It sets some variables and write variables content to file. It runs just one cycle. At the en...
8 year 1 1589

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