26 posts
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Socket Server [12]
Steven, Thanks for a new update of RR. I had tested it and seem the issue has been solved. As I mention on previou...
8 year 15 3467
Socket Server [10]
Hi Steven. Thanks for the Python script. I had running the Python script on one PC and connected to to my computer...
8 year 15 3467
Socket Server [7]
Any solution for this problem??...
8 year 15 3467
Socket Server [6]
Steven, I noticed that the data always switched every time I clicked the "Send Now" button. PIC alw...
8 year 15 3467
Socket Server [4]
Hi Steven. I will make further explanation in order for you to figure out the problem that I had mentioned on prev...
8 year 15 3467
Socket Server [3]
Thanks for a quick update on Socket Server. Look like that the UDP Sending data has been fixed. I managed to send data from cons...
8 year 15 3467
Socket Server
Hi Steven. I tried to connect my PIC32 (Via Ethernet Controller) with RR using socket server. I managed to get the...
8 year 15 3467
Socket Server [14]
Steven, I have tested USB Hid Module with new RR 2.78.0. The result is very disappointing. There we...
8 year 15 3467
AVM Navigator new update bug [4]
Did you tested using my attached file?? I tried with the basic RR program that using button interface to move the robot forward,...
9 year 6 2559
AVM Navigator new update bug [2]
Any idea to solve this issue??...
9 year 6 2559
AVM Navigator new update bug
Recently, I have update my RR with the latest version (2.72.10). I have try to run my AVM Navigator program on my RR but unfortu...
9 year 6 2559
AVM Navigator new update bug [6]
I had tried on nova gate mode..I do not remember which version I had tested. But when using the arrow key on keyboard, the displ...
9 year 6 2559
USB HID Receive Data Error [2]
Any response for this problem?? ...
9 year 8 4970
USB HID Receive Data Error
Hi Steven. I had try to implement USB HID on my RR application. However, I got an error on received data. I made a...
9 year 8 4970
USB HID Receive Data Error [7]
Any solution for this issue??...
9 year 8 4970
USB HID Receive Data Error [6]
Hi Steven. Thanks for the update. I have try run my program using latest version of RR but unfortunately it still ...
9 year 8 4970
USB HID Receive Data Error [4]
See Attachment for Source Code ...
9 year 8 4970
USB HID Receive Data Error [0]
See attachment...
9 year 8 4970
USB HID Receive Data Error [0]
Hi Steven. Sorry for a very late reply. This is the answer for your previous question I have includ...
9 year 8 4970
PS3 Eye frame rate [5]
I have attached the RR program file and sample image. The following are the setting frame rate result that appeared on Camera: <...
9 year 6 2357

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