57 posts
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RoboRio Port Info [0]
Attached are the include .h files for the CameraServer and the USBCamera. -pete...
9 year 26 15374
RoboRio Port Info [5]
Here is the Sample vision code C++ file. This is the code that works to display the USB camera vide...
9 year 26 15374
RoboRio Port Info [3]
Hi STeven, In response to your last question you had sent me, yes we have been able to use the samp...
9 year 26 15374
RoboRio Port Info
Hi STeven, Here is information on the ports used by the roboRio, using the HTTP_read with a USB cam...
9 year 26 15374
RoboRio Port Info [20]
Hi Tony/NT, Just wondering if you are using the same USB camera, the Microsoft HD-3000.
9 year 26 15374
RoboRio Port Info [9]
Hi STeven, With some searching and some questions on the FIRST forum I have found the source files ...
9 year 26 15374
RoboRio Port Info [7]
Hi STeven, I just stumbled on this site from an FRC team that looks to use the USB camera and proce...
9 year 26 15374
RoboRio Port Info [6]
Needed to send as .zip file. ...
9 year 26 15374
External camera feed
Hi STeven, Was not able to continue from the previous post as it does not show in the forums. ...
9 year 2 2240
Barcode orientation [3]
Hi STeven, Thanks for the update, works great and has been implemented in the vision decode program...
9 year 3 2405
Barcode orientation
Hi STeven, Every thing is working real well for decoding the 2d matrix codes.  I'm about...
9 year 3 2405
ini file
Hi STeven, How does one create an ini file to be called when starting RR.  In the API doc...
9 year 4 1751
ini file [3]
Hi STeven, Yes, I have reviewed the API parameter section in detail.  I guess the questio...
9 year 4 1751
Barcode decode anomaly [7]
Hi STeven, Am I correct in assuming that when the barcode module decodes the barcodes it is somehwa...
9 year 15 3471
Barcode decode anomaly [6]
Hi STeven, Thanks for update on the decoding issues.  Having an issue with the new update...
9 year 15 3471
Barcode decode anomaly [4]
Hi STeven, As far as decoding I have good success, in the last example the lighting was adjusted to...
9 year 15 3471
Barcode decode anomaly [2]
Hi STeven, Here is some additional clarification.  In the attached script it uses the att...
9 year 15 3471
Barcode decode anomaly [14]
Hi STeven, Here is an update to changing the camera gain in the GenICam module.  I have a...
9 year 15 3471
Barcode decode anomaly
Hi STeven, I'm seeing something when using the barcode decode module.  What I have is an...
9 year 15 3471
Barcode decode anomaly [13]
Hi STeven, Comments on the latest changes, as always seeing many improvements.  This look...
9 year 15 3471

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