7 posts
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Thanks Steven, One more favor.... [4]
Thanks a lot Steven, I will try to repeat the same performance in Matlab and let you know the results. I am curiou...
16 year 17 22058
Forum did not support bmp so now here are the jpg images [2]
Sorry about the two posts for one message but Forum did not support bmp so now here are the jpg images.
16 year 17 22058
Help regarding Rectangle/Square detection algorithm
Hi Steven, Thanks for your suggestion. Please find the sample images, RGB and BW, for your reference. I have conve...
16 year 17 22058
Page 2 Resume [10]
Page 2 Chandresh, Resume [9]
Here is my Resume. -Chandresh ...
16 year 17 22058
Resume, Chandresh [8]
Hi STeven, Thanks for offering help. Please find the attached resume. Please provide your email id ...
16 year 17 22058
Thanks Steven, I got it using Matlab... [6]
Hi Steven, I asked a questing about square identification in an image and you replied quickly with ...
16 year 17 22058

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