5 posts
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Roborealm [4]
Hi STeven, Yes, this is the parts present in the groove. I want to control the presen...
11 year 8 2928
Roborealm [2]
Hi, I have a very specific project. In the inner groove of the product I want to control the small metal particles...
11 year 8 2928
Roborealm [9]
Hi STeven Thanks to your quick response. Serial number of images to be read from the ...
11 year 8 2928
Roborealm [7]
Hi STeven, I tried using two cameras, but the process is slower and less transparent...
11 year 8 2928
Roborealm [5]
Hi STeven Better results detection of particles present in the groove I have, if I use rotating base controls with...
11 year 8 2928

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