13 posts
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Roborealm crashes upon running Lego NXT module [2]
I have inserted a sample RR program that I have found to crash once I insert in a Lego NXT module. I have taken part of the exam...
12 year 4 1971
Roborealm crashes upon running Lego NXT module [5]
Apparently, the problem still persists. The program was still running fine up to the moment when i plugged in my NXT via USB and...
12 year 4 1971
Roborealm crashes upon running Lego NXT module [3]
I will narrow down the problem a bit further. I am assuming seems that the problem is coming from the CScript because when I try...
12 year 4 1971
Roborealm crashes upon running Lego NXT module
I have inserted a sample RR program and the cscript used that I have found to crash once I insert in a Lego NXT module. I have t...
12 year 0 2022
problem with lego nxt example [8]
Hi Anonymous, Please refer to my thread, if you haven't already found the problem to the NXT displ...
12 year 7 3110
Roborealm CScript variableExists function problem [2]
Hi, I am currently facing a problem with the CScript function variableExists. In the documentation...
12 year 2 3230
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [4]
Hi Necrolyte, I have inserted a picture of what i'm working with. It is a close-up view of the eye...
12 year 14 3329
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [2]
Hi guys. I am working on a project to control a robot with my eyes. It is done with LEGO NXT. So far I have tried playing around...
12 year 14 3329
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [14]
Also, please note that occasionally when I try to run RR it crashes. However it is okay after restarting my computer....
12 year 14 3329
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [13]
STeven, Here is my NXC source code for a receiver program that displays the value of the value sent...
12 year 14 3329
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [11]
I have found the reason for this: When running a pipeline analyzing a fixed picture of a red ball(w...
12 year 14 3329
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [10]
Thanks John, good luck to you too on your project. STeven, I have managed to get RR sending message...
12 year 14 3329
Suggestions for eye tracking algorithms [8]
Necolyte, thanks for the robo file. I have managed to get the canny line detector working with my own program. However the effec...
12 year 14 3329

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