74 posts
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Now AVM is working faster [61]
Sorry i got it now. So you want me to show yhe pipeline. I just realize there is a timeline on that . Okay i ll be motivated to ...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [72]
Hi edv, 1 What is the value on extreme left in ms, and some value / some value
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [85]
I am actually shooting it using microsoft write AVI, as I tried installing  k lite codec pack, as Steven mentioned but...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [97]
Thanks, i will update then. At the moment let me solve the issue of error start up. It happened often now,  Everytime ...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [110]
Hi edv any idea of my question on xbee module on avm navigator, ...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [8]
Q1 Yes i got it now. And i wonder if we can improve the smoothness of the motion by incorporating joystick as the inputs instead...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [27]
Hi edv, had just bought an external camera hd and as u said i set The resolution To 340x 240. I am slow down te ro...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [55]
Hi edv clarrify regarding the processing: are you referring if my camera has 30 fps then the procrssing of avm and rr has 1/30 s...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [70]
Glad that it is right :) . So the target object at targeted location for markermode is not sufficie...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [94]
Hi, yes i had external power supply other than usb, could it be the usb cable that connect to the arduino and pc ?
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [108]
Hi EDV / Steven, i would like to use xbee module on arduino and using wireless camera, do my arduino program need some changes o...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [6]
Hi, thanks for prompt reply. I would like to undersand as you mentioned " it is important to use arrow key to navigate te robot...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [25]
Yes, once it is done i will share my robot. Anyway i am building humanoid. I would prefer te camera on the height of 1.3 m.
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [54]
Hi steven, yes my arduino is running t 115200 baudrate, so it is the compatibility issues ?. You mean for real time navigation i...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [83]
Sorry was busy with some examination, here is the update EDV, for longer route, seemed my trainning is poor as the robot is not ...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster
I think thats is the RR code, here is the arduino code, ervo servos[12]; boolean pinM...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [118]
Hi, but how to do the localization in pan and tilt if i want to use pan rotation to do the localization in the training mode, am...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [4]
Hi, how do i update avm navigator. I purchased it last version. I also would like t...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [23]
Hi, i dont get it what you mean by depending on algorithm. You Mean if i dont want the robot to pause & keep moving straight, is...
12 year 117 21689
Now AVM is working faster [51]
Although i dont get it the behaviour of algorithm if else of the coressponding images, i appreciate your explanation. Glad u exp...
12 year 117 21689

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