74 posts
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Now AVM is working faster [99]
Hi, steven i think you are right the problem is caused by power supply. I should not power the arduino directly with USB until e...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [12]
What You mean the program of oculus has what advantages over avm ?. May i know what program it take...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [38]
Thanks. That k lite codec  is it for playing the recorded video ? ...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [65]
Hi avm , currently the robot is on the lab, i will shoot again after some report writting. I will Need your help o...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [74]
Sorry, I ll give the illustration as followed with number 1 What is the value on ex...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [87]
HI EDV, thanks for the link, It is now installed in RR, I have a new problem, everytime i plug in t...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [98]
Hi Steven How do i move the turret by slider ? In it from sparkfun arduino module, i just unticked ...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [115]
Thx steven, yes it got to do with the xbee configuration as for the RR we juat need to ensure baudrate 9600, it has now worked w...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [10]
Thanks for the file, does it support gaming joystick. And what kind of joystick it supported. My ro...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [29]
Great, ya i ll video my experiment and i am not sure if my webcam haa 25fps on video. When i purchased it stated 30fps but nvr s...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [61]
Sorry i got it now. So you want me to show yhe pipeline. I just realize there is a timeline on that . Okay i ll be motivated to ...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [72]
Hi edv, 1 What is the value on extreme left in ms, and some value / some value
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [85]
I am actually shooting it using microsoft write AVI, as I tried installing  k lite codec pack, as Steven mentioned but...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [97]
Thanks, i will update then. At the moment let me solve the issue of error start up. It happened often now,  Everytime ...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [113]
I am using xbee module pro . I am trying to interface it with RR, has been trying to communicate but still no success. But u ve ...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [8]
Q1 Yes i got it now. And i wonder if we can improve the smoothness of the motion by incorporating joystick as the inputs instead...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [27]
Hi edv, had just bought an external camera hd and as u said i set The resolution To 340x 240. I am slow down te ro...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [55]
Hi edv clarrify regarding the processing: are you referring if my camera has 30 fps then the procrssing of avm and rr has 1/30 s...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [70]
Glad that it is right :) . So the target object at targeted location for markermode is not sufficie...
12 year 117 21680
Now AVM is working faster [94]
Hi, yes i had external power supply other than usb, could it be the usb cable that connect to the arduino and pc ?
12 year 117 21680

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