8 posts
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Sabertooth Mixed Mode [7]
Glows blue? Do you mean the status LEDs on the Sabertooth?...
13 year 8 5259
Sabertooth Mixed Mode [5]
I got a Sabertooth 2x12 R/C recently and setting it up and controlling it in mixed mode is actually pretty easy. All you have to...
13 year 8 5259
Obstacle detection with Ping))), Propeller Servo Controller USB & RR [2]
I purchased a Propeller Servo Controller USB (http://www.parallax.com/Store/Accessories/MotorServoControllers/tabid/160/ProductI...
13 year 3 4648
Obstacle detection with Ping))), Propeller Servo Controller USB & RR [4]
Thanks Steven. Yea I already figured that I wasn't going to be able to use the PINGS without buying more hardware. My mistake I...
13 year 3 4648
setting target color variable on user command [2]
I'm working on a robot that can follow a person around using a laptop's webcam. I have a good pr...
13 year 2 2109
Roborealm controlling large motors with HB-25 or other motor controller [5]
Thanks for your response Steve. The Parallax Propeller Server controller USB and the Sabertooth 2X...
13 year 4 5231
Roborealm controlling large motors with HB-25 or other motor controller [3]
If anyone has and alternative motor controller board setup they can suggest, I'd really appreciate hearing about that too. ...
13 year 4 5231
Roborealm controlling large motors with HB-25 or other motor controller [2]
What I'm trying to do is get a robot capable of carrying a considerable load to follow a person at about walking pace using Rob...
13 year 4 5231

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