28 posts
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Gps heading replacing with compass? [6]
Indeed! But there is a formula for that. So it knows where the robot is in according to the destination. For examp...
14 year 5 3277
Gps heading replacing with compass? [4]
Ok i understand. Is there maybe a way to give a custom value to the variable gps-heading. Or maybe with vb script, link the comp...
14 year 5 3277
Gps heading replacing with compass? [2]
I have a usb navilock gps receiver connected to roborealm. As far as i know the gps reader is fully equiped to make my bot drive...
14 year 5 3277
Speak Module repeats itself... [6]
I used this code. Second post. ...
14 year 9 5172
Speak Module repeats itself... [4]
I have downloaded the latest version but mine still keeps repeating itself. What can i do?...
14 year 9 5172
Robot arm control and inverse kinematics [2]
Is there a way (or module) that i can use to drive a robot arm? It is a 3dof arm. So a coxa servo ( that one is easy since it on...
14 year 1 2453
Face recognition progress [5]
As do i!! Seems like a crucial ability for every robot. Can't wait!...
13 year 14 8459
Face recognition progress [9]
Have a look at AVM navigator. It contains object recognition. Asswel as full visual navigation....
13 year 14 8459

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