4 posts
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Roborealm and Pololu Mini Maestro 24 [3]
Ryan at Pololu has just informed me that Roborealm has corrected the bug in the Maestro module. I downloaded RR ag...
13 year 2 1687
Roborealm and Pololu Mini Maestro 24 [2]
Roborealm Servo Control Interface only activtates half of Pololu Mini Maestro 24 channels. Channels 17 thru 24 sta...
13 year 2 1687
' DON'T FORGET TO regsvr32 \\path\\API\\RR_COM_API.dll before running!! [4]
That helped Thanks alot Andre ...
13 year 3 2989
' DON'T FORGET TO regsvr32 \\path\\API\\RR_COM_API.dll before running!! [2]
   ' DON'T FORGET TO regsvr32 \\path\\API\\RR_COM_API.dll before running!! In Windows 7 using VB2010 h...
13 year 3 2989

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