4 posts
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RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb [2]
Hello, I have connected a wireless camera to an Eminent video grabber. When I use the...
15 year 10 4287
RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb [8]
Steven, I have tried different things, the fps stays less then 1. The robot is working but too slow...
15 year 10 4287
RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb [4]
Steven, Actually, the only three variables I need are COG_X, COG_Y and COG_BOX_SIZE.
15 year 10 4287
RoboRealm and Lego RCX Usb [6]
Steven, You are correct, it is the RCX (usb). To control the robot, I only need the X...
15 year 10 4287

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